Encounters - South African International Documentary Festival

Africa’s most prestigious documentary festival runs from 4-14 June 2015 in Cape Town and Johannesburg.  Keep an eye on www.encounters.co.za

African Premiere at Encounters Festival

Sunday, 10 May, 2015 - 20:30
  • Encounters - South African International Documentary Festival

Join us for the South African Premiere of برة في الشارع Out On The Street
In the African Docs Official Competition of Encounters South African International Documentary Festival

Johannesburg: Tuesday 9th of May, 6:30pm @ The Bioscope Independent Cinema

Cape Town: Wednesday 10th of May, 8:30 pm @ V&A Cinema Nouveau 6

African Premiere at Encounters Festival

Saturday, 9 May, 2015 - 19:30
  • Encounters - South African International Documentary Festival

Join us for the South African Premiere of برة في الشارع Out On The Street
In the African Docs Official Competition of Encounters South African International Documentary Festival

Johannesburg: Tuesday 9th of May, 6:30pm @ The Bioscope Independent Cinema

Cape Town: Wednesday 10th of May, 8:30 pm @ V&A Cinema Nouveau 6

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