Draw it like this – The reversal of privatization: by Sarah Rifky

We were just going to work. 

The only sound we hear is birdsong. 

We became witnesses, to this mass destruction. 

Pulling a rope that does not exist we get rid of problems. 

In February 2011, the workers of the Starch and Glucose Company occupied the factory in protest of its shutdown. The factory had been privatized eight years earlier, but under the pretext of renovating the factory, the owners started to destroy it. 

African Premiere at Encounters Festival

Saturday, 9 May, 2015 - 19:30
  • Encounters - South African International Documentary Festival

Join us for the South African Premiere of برة في الشارع Out On The Street
In the African Docs Official Competition of Encounters South African International Documentary Festival

Johannesburg: Tuesday 9th of May, 6:30pm @ The Bioscope Independent Cinema

Cape Town: Wednesday 10th of May, 8:30 pm @ V&A Cinema Nouveau 6

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